past simple or continuous (2)

Gap-fill exercise by A. Denutte

Complete with past simple or past continuous

Complétez les phrases avec le "Prétérit simple" ou le "Prétérit Be + V-ing" :
Pensez à consulter un dictionnaire pour vous aider à comprendre le sens des phrases !

While I (talk) to my friends at the disco last Saturday, a boy I (know) ,named John, (come) up to me and (ask) me to dance. While we (dance) , he accidentally (stand) on my foot. I (scream) in pain. We (stop) dancing and (walk) over to the bar. While we (walk) , I (notice) another friend of mine. They (start) to argue. I (ignore) them and while John (order) the drinks, I (hope) for a better evening.