past simple and continuous (4)

Gap-fill exercise by A. Denutte

Complete with past simple or past continuous
Complétez les phrases avec le "Prétérit simple" ou le "Prétérit Be + V-ing" :
Pensez à consulter un dictionnaire pour vous aider à comprendre le sens des phrases !

1. What (you / do) when I (ring) you up last week?
2. As we (walk) in the park yesterday, we (hear) an explosion.
3. What (you / say) when the teacher (ask) you about the Roman Empire ? I (say) nothing because I (look) out of the window.
4. While they (lay) the table, we (cut) the bread, so we (be) all very busy before dinner.
5. We (not understand) a word of what you (say) because I (listen) to the radio.